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Key Metrics on Performance Overview

If you use TiUP to deploy the TiDB cluster, the monitoring system (Prometheus & Grafana) is deployed at the same time. For more information, see TiDB Monitoring Framework Overview.

The Grafana dashboard is divided into a series of sub dashboards which include PD, TiDB, TiKV, Node_exporter, Overview, and Performance Overview. A lot of metrics are there to help you diagnose.

The Performance Overview dashboard orchestrates the metrics of TiDB, PD, and TiKV, and presents each of them in the following sections:

  • Overview: Database time and SQL execution time summary. By checking different colors in the overview, you can quickly identify the database workload profile and the performance bottleneck.

  • Load profile: Key metrics and resource usage, including database QPS, connection information, the MySQL command types the application interacts with TiDB, database internal TSO and KV request OPS, and resource usage of the TiKV and TiDB.

  • Top-down latency breakdown: Query latency versus connection idle time ratio, query latency breakdown, TSO/KV request latency during execution, breakdown of write latency within TiKV.

With the Performance Overview Dashboard, you can analyze performance efficiently, and confirm whether the bottleneck of user response time is in the database. If the bottleneck is in the database, you can identify the bottleneck inside the database, with database time overview, workload profile and SQL latency breakdown. For details, see Performance Analysis and Tuning.

The following sections illustrate the metrics on the Performance Overview dashboard.

Performance Overview

Database Time by SQL Type

  • database time: Total database time per second
  • sql_type: Database time consumed by each type of SQL statements per second

Database Time by SQL Phase

  • database time: Total database time per second
  • get token/parse/compile/execute: Database time consumed in four SQL processing phases

The SQL execution phase is in green and other phases are in red on general. If non-green areas are large, it means much database time is consumed in other phases than the execution phase and further cause analysis is required.

SQL Execute Time Overview

  • execute time: Database time consumed during SQL execution per second
  • tso_wait: Concurrent TSO waiting time per second during SQL execution
  • kv request type: Time waiting for each KV request type per second during SQL execution. The total KV request wait time might exceed SQL execution time, because KV requests are concurrent.
  • tiflash_mpp: Time of processing TiFlash requests per second during SQL execution.

Green metrics stand for common KV write requests (such as prewrite and commit), blue metrics stand for common read requests, purple metrics stand for TiFlash MPP requests, and metrics in other colors stand for unexpected situations which you need to pay attention to. For example, pessimistic lock KV requests are marked red and TSO waiting is marked dark brown.

If non-blue or non-green areas are large, it means there is a bottleneck during SQL execution. For example:

  • If serious lock conflicts occur, the red area will take a large proportion.
  • If excessive time is consumed in waiting TSO, the dark brown area will take a large proportion.


Number of SQL statements executed per second in all TiDB instances, collected by type: such as SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE

CPS By Type

Number of commands processed by all TiDB instances per second based on type

Queries Using Plan Cache OPS

  • avg-hit: The number of queries using the execution plan cache per second for all TiDB instances
  • avg-miss: The number of queries not using the execution plan cache per second for all TiDB instances

avg-hit + avg-miss is equal to StmtExecute, which is the number of all queries executed per second.

KV/TSO Request OPS

  • kv request total: Total number of KV requests per second in all TiDB instances
  • kv request by type: Number of KV requests per second in all TiDB instances based on such types as Get, Prewrite, and Commit.
  • tso - cmd: Number of tso cmd requests per second in all TiDB instances
  • tso - request: Number of tso request requests per second in all TiDB instances

Generally, dividing tso - cmd by tso - request yields the average batch size of requests per second.

KV Request Time By Source

  • kv request total time: Total time of processing KV and TiFlash requests per second in all TiDB instances
  • Each KV request and the corresponding request source form a stacked bar chart, in which external identifies normal business requests and internal identifies internal activity requests (such as DDL and auto analyze requests)


  • avg: Average CPU utilization across all TiDB instances
  • delta: Maximum CPU utilization of all TiDB instances minus minimum CPU utilization of all TiDB instances
  • max: Maximum CPU utilization across all TiDB instances


  • CPU-Avg: Average CPU utilization of all TiKV instances
  • CPU-Delta: Maximum CPU utilization of all TiKV instances minus minimum CPU utilization of all TiKV instances
  • CPU-MAX: Maximum CPU utilization among all TiKV instances
  • IO-Avg: Average MBps of all TiKV instances
  • IO-Delt: Maximum MBps of all TiKV instances minus minimum MBps of all TiKV instances
  • IO-MAX: Maximum MBps of all TiKV instances


  • Duration: Execution time

    • The duration from receiving a request from the client to TiDB till TiDB executing the request and returning the result to the client. In general, client requests are sent in the form of SQL statements; however, this duration can include the execution time of commands such as COM_PING, COM_SLEEP, COM_STMT_FETCH, and COM_SEND_LONG_DATA.
    • TiDB supports Multi-Query, which means the client can send multiple SQL statements at one time, such as select 1; select 1; select 1;. In this case, the total execution time of this query includes the execution time of all SQL statements.
  • avg: Average time to execute all requests

  • 99: P99 duration to execute all requests

  • avg by type: Average time to execute all requests in all TiDB instances, collected by type: SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE

Connection Idle Duration

Connection Idle Duration indicates the duration of a connection being idle.

  • avg-in-txn: Average connection idle duration when the connection is within a transaction
  • avg-not-in-txn: Average connection idle duration when the connection is not within a transaction
  • 99-in-txn: P99 connection idle duration when the connection is within a transaction

Connection Count

  • total: Number of connections to all TiDB instances
  • active connections: Number of active connections to all TiDB instances
  • tidb-{node-number}-peer: Number of connections to each TiDB instance
  • disconnection/s: Number of disconnections in a TiDB cluster
  • 99-not-in-txn: P99 connection idle duration when the connection is not within a transaction

Parse Duration, Compile Duration, and Execute Duration

  • Parse Duration: Time consumed in parsing SQL statements
  • Compile Duration: Time consumed in compiling the parsed SQL AST to execution plans
  • Execution Duration: Time consumed in executing execution plans of SQL statements

All these three metrics include the average duration and the 99th percentile duration in all TiDB instances.

Avg TiDB KV Request Duration

Average time consumed in executing KV requests in all TiDB instances based on the type, including Get, Prewrite, and Commit.

Avg TiKV GRPC Duration

Average time consumed in executing gRPC requests in all TiKV instances based on the type, including kv_get, kv_prewrite, and kv_commit.

PD TSO Wait/RPC Duration

  • wait - avg: Average time in waiting for PD to return TSO in all TiDB instances
  • rpc - avg: Average time from sending TSO requests to PD to receiving TSO in all TiDB instances
  • wait - 99: P99 time in waiting for PD to return TSO in all TiDB instances
  • rpc - 99: P99 time from sending TSO requests to PD to receiving TSO in all TiDB instances

Storage Async Write Duration, Store Duration, and Apply Duration

  • Storage Async Write Duration: Time consumed in asynchronous write
  • Store Duration: Time consumed in store loop during asynchronously write
  • Apply Duration: Time consumed in apply loop during asynchronously write

All these three metrics include the average duration and P99 duration in all TiKV instances.

Average storage async write duration = Average store duration + Average apply duration

Append Log Duration, Commit Log Duration, and Apply Log Duration

  • Append Log Duration: Time consumed by Raft to append logs
  • Commit Log Duration: Time consumed by Raft to commit logs
  • Apply Log Duration: Time consumed by Raft to apply logs

All these three metrics include the average duration and P99 duration in all TiKV instances.

Interface of the Performance Overview panels

performance overview


  • CPU: The CPU utilization per TiFlash instance.

  • Memory: The memory usage per TiFlash instance.

  • IO utilization: The IO utilization per TiFlash instance.

  • MPP Query count: The number of TiFlash MPP queries per second per TiFlash instance.

  • Request QPS: The number of coprocessor requests received by all TiFlash instances.

    • batch: Number of batch requests.
    • batch_cop: Number of coprocessor requests in the batch requests.
    • cop: Number of coprocessor requests that are sent directly via the coprocessor interface.
    • cop_dag: Number of dag requests in all coprocessor requests.
    • super_batch: Number of requests that enable the Super Batch feature.
  • Executor QPS: The number of each type of dag executors in the requests received by all TiFlash instances. table_scan is the table scan executor. selection is the selection executor. aggregation is the aggregation executor. top_n is the TopN executor. limit is the limit executor.

  • Request Duration Overview: Provides a stacked chart of total processing time per second for all request types in all TiFlash instances.

  • Request Duration: The total processing duration for each MPP and coprocessor request type in all TiFlash instances. It is from the time that the coprocessor request is received to the time that the response of the request is completed, which includes the average latency and p99 latency.

  • Request Handle Duration: The actual processing duration for each MPP and coprocessor request type in all TiFlash instances. It is from the start of executing the coprocessor request to the completion of the execution, which includes the average latency and p99 latency.

  • Raft Wait Index Duration: The time used by wait_index for all TiFlash instances, namely the time used to wait until Region index >= read_index after the read_index request is received.

  • Raft Batch Read Index Duration: The time used by read_index for all TiFlash instances. Most time is used for interaction with the Region leader and retry.

  • Write Throughput By Instance: The throughput of write by instance. It includes the throughput by applying the Raft write commands and Raft snapshots.

  • Write flow: The traffic of disk writes by all TiFlash instances.

  • Read flow: The traffic of disk reads by all TiFlash instances.


  • CPU usage: The CPU usage per TiCDC node.

  • Memory usage: The memory usage per TiCDC node.

  • Goroutine count: The number of goroutines per TiCDC node.

  • Changefeed checkpoint lag: The progress lag of data replication (the unit is second) between the upstream and the downstream.

  • Changefeed resolved ts lag: The progress lag of data replication (the unit is second) between the upstream and TiCDC nodes.

  • The status of changefeeds:

    • 0: Normal
    • 1: Error
    • 2: Failed
    • 3: Stopped
    • 4: Finished
    • -1: Unknown
  • Puller output events/s: The number of rows that the Puller module of TiCDC nodes sends to the Sorter module per second.

  • Sorter output events/s: The number of rows that the Sorter module of TiCDC nodes sends to the Mounter module per second.

  • Mounter output events/s: The number of rows that the Mounter module of TiCDC nodes sends to the Sink module per second.

  • Table sink output events/s: The number of rows that the Table Sorter module of the TiCDC nodes sends to the Sink module per second.

  • SinkV2 - Sink flush rows/s: The number of rows that the Sink module in the TiCDC node sends to the downstream per second.

  • Transaction Sink Full Flush Duration: The average latency and p999 latency of writing downstream transactions by the MySQL Sink of TiCDC nodes.

  • MQ Worker Send Message Duration Percentile: The latency of sending messages by MQ worker when the downstream is Kafka.

  • Kafka Outgoing Bytes: The traffic of writing downstream transactions in MQ Workload.

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